General Information


Sl No. Parameter Value
Phytoplankton Myxophyceae was the major constituents among phyroplankton. Important phytoplanktons found from the reservoirs and their percentage composition was Myxophyceae (Microcystis 99.274 %, Nostoc 0.003 %, Phormidium 0.001 %, Oscillatoria 0.1 %, Azabaena 0.52 %, Coelospherium 0.001 %, Aphanocapsa 0.005 %, Spirulina 0.002 %, Merismopedia 0.09 %, Lyngbya 0.001 %, Rivularia 0.003 %), Chlorophyceae (Spirogyra 56.7 %, Pediastrum 40.91 %, Botryococcus 1.76 %, Hormidius 0.22 %, Oedigonium 0.31 %, Tetraspora 0.01 %, Ulothrix 0.02 %, Volvox 0.07 %), Bacillariophyceae (Fragilaria 95.138 %, Melosira 4.276 %, Tabellaria 0.124 %, Navicula 0.413 %, Gyrosigma 0.008 %, Amphora 0.003 %, Synedra 0.034 %, Nitzchia 0.002 %, Surinella 0.002 %, Pinnularia very less), Dinophyceae (Ceratium 100 %)
Zoo Plankton Copepoda was the major constituents among zooplankton in the reservoir. Zooplanktons recorded from the reservoirs and their percentage composition was: Protozoans (Arcella 94.88 %, Actinosphaerium 4.06 %, Difflugia 1.06 %), Rotifera (Keratella 59.19 %, Lecane 12.82 %, Brachionus 8.5 %, Noteus 7.61 %, Conochilus 6.03 %, Filina 2.5 %, Asplanchna 0.54 %, Trochocerca 0.31 %, Mytilina 0.21 %, Schizocerca 0.68 %, Kellicottia 0.14 %, Notholca 0.01 %, Polyanbhra 1.46 %, Monostyla very less), Cladocera (Chydorus 40.98 %, Daphnia 39.13 %, Ceriodaphnia 18.33 %, Diaphanosoma 1.56 %, Sida very less), Copepoda (Nauplii 50.86 %, Cyclops 40.23 %, Diaptomus 8.91 %).