Workshop cum training program on “Wetland Fisheries Development for fishers of East Champaran, Bihar” inaugurated

ICAR-CIFRI organized workshop cum training program on “Wetland Fisheries Development for fishers of East Champaran, Bihar” on 22-23 March 2021 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, DRPCAU, Pipra kothi, East Champaran. Shri Pramod Kumar, Honourable Minister of Sugarcane Industries and Law department, Government of Bihar was the chief guest of inaugural function. The program began with welcome address by Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI who joined on virtual platform. He welcomed all the dignitaries and trainees to the program. He said that the Institute has been working committedly for last four years in 5 wetlands for doubling farmers income and have achieved success with cooperation from line departments. Dr. M. A. Hassan, Head, Fisheries Enhancement Management Division stressed on the importance of culture-based fishery and technologies like cage, pen and in situ nurseries for development of wetland fisheries. He also talked about management strategies like macrophyte management and prevention of fish escape through link channel during flooding. Sri Pramod Kumar, Honorable Minister of Law and Sugarcane Industry, Government of Bihar in his address congratulated Director and ICAR-CIFRI team for relentless efforts of the institute in developing wetland fisheries in the region. He said that he is grateful to Dr. Radha Mohan Singh ji, Former Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, who played instrumental role in bringing ambitious developmental programs for wetland fishers which has enhanced fish production and productivity of the wetlands and enhanced their income status. He lauded the activities of the institute and requested extension of the programs for five years in other undeveloped oxbow lakes. He encouraged the fishers to cooperate and work hard towards societal development and become self-sufficient as urged by the honorable prime minister of India. He also requested fishers who have received hands on training from ICAR-CIFRI to act as trainers for others. He also stated that as a result of increase in fish production in East Champaran has reduced the dependency of the region on fish supply from other states. Shri Prakash Asthana, Member. Board of Management RPCAU, Pusa, conveyed his best wishes on the occasion of Bihar Day and lauded the effort of the Institute towards development and fisheries enhancement in the region. He also urged for extension of the program in other wetlands of the region. Shri Ravindra Sahani, Mukhiya, Piprakothi and President, Piprakothi Fishermen Cooperative Society, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the central and state governments for sanctioning of the projects through NFDB. He said that the ICAR-CIFRI has played key role not only in doubling fish production but also building capacity of the fishers toward self-sufficiency. He said that the immense success of the projects in five wetlands have encouraged the fishers to implement technological intervention for enhancing fisheries production and have filled a sense of confidence. He expressed gratitude for the infrastructure created by the Institute which will be asset for the cooperative society. Shri Sanat Kumar Singh, DFO, East Champaran appreciated the teamwork by the scientific team of the Institute for creating awareness and imparting training to the fishers for enhancing their livelihood and strengthening infrastructure like pen, cage and nursery ponds etc to reduce cost of seed production and ensuring timely availability of suitable size of seed. Sri Arvind Kumar Singh, Head, KVK, Piprakothi said that it is a matter of pride for him to have witnessed the implementation and achievements of the developmental projects. He said that the KVK is willing to cooperate and extend ever possible support for R and D activities for development of the region. The program ended with a formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Ganesh Chandra, Senior Scientist, ICAR-CIFRI followed by National Anthem. The program was coordinated and conducted by Ganesh Chandra, Suman Kumari, Raju Baitha, Mishal P, Gunjan Karnatak, with technical assistance from Manbendra Roy, and Bablu Naskar and field staff of the project. 500 wetland fish farmers of East Champaran are attending this workshop cum training program. Honourable Minister released the manual “Wetland Fisheries Development in Bihar”.

Visitor number: Statcountersince OCT 2020

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2017 Last updated on 23/03/2021