Scientist- women SHG group interface meet organized

ICAR-CIFRI conducted a Scientist –women SHG interface meet at Rathindra KVK, Srinekan, Birbhum on 7th December,2021. The interface meet was conducted in collaboration with Rathindra Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Visva Bharati, Shantiniketan. A total of 152 beneficiaries of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe community from 16 SHGs of Birbhum District participated in the interface meet. The objective of the meeting was to sensitize the participants about inland fisheries management for livelihoods and nutritional security. Dr. B.K Das, Director CIFRI graced the meeting. Dr. Das stated the added advantage of inland fisheries for nutrition and income. He stressed upon the sustainability of the livelihood improvement programmes conducted through ICAR schemes at the field level. He also discussed about the disease management in inland water bodies. Dr. M. A Hassan, HOD,FRM; Dr. A.K Das,I/C E & T cell; Dr. Aparna Roy Nodal Officer, STC briefed the various components of inland fisheries management. Dr. Subroto Mandal, Head, of the KVK also utter the importance of inland fisheries as alternative source of income for the women SHGs. The women participants who were benefitted by CIFRI’s interventions gave their feedback. Sukadi Mardi, a tribal lady stated that their Self Help Group has gained profit by CIFRI’s interventions .The beneficiaries also discussed about various constraints faced by them in inland fisheries management. Fisheries inputs like fish seed, fish feed, lime were distributed to support the livelihoods of the beneficiaries belonging to SC/ST community under STC and SCSP.
ICAR-CIFRI is also conducting Front Line demonstration programme in collaboration with Rathindra Krishi Vigyan Kendra under STC/SC Sub Plan. In the afternoon session, demonstration programme was also conducted in a water body managed by “Chandu Rakab”, a Tribal Women SHG group in Ashadulla Village, Sriniketan, Birbhum with active participation of the tribal women members of the group.





Updated on 8/12/2021
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2017 Last updated on 25/11/2021