Interactive workshop on ‘Cage culture in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya’ held at Umiam

An Interactive workshop on ‘Cage culture in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya’ was organized by ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CIFRI), Regional Centre, Guwahati in collaboration with ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam at Umniuh Khwan village of Umiam, Meghalaya on 21.12.2021. The programme was organized under the overall guidance of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore; Dr. V. K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC for NEHR, Umiam and Coordinated by Dr. B. K. Bhattacharjya, Head (Acting), ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati as well as Dr. S. K. Das, Principal Scientist, Division of Animal and Fisheries Science (DAFS), ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam. Scientists and technical personnel of the two ICAR Institutes namely Dr. Pronob Das, Dr. S. Borah, Mr. A.K. Yadav, Dr. D.K. Meena, Mr. T. Tayung, Ms. Peetambari Devi, (Scientists), Mr. Alakesh Das (TO) and Mr. Prasanta Mahanta (STA) acted as resource persons in the programme. The programme was attended by 55 tribal farmers (including 25 women) of locality under the Ri-Bhoi Farmers’ Union led by Mr. D. Mazzao (President) and Mr. Brightstar K (Secretary). Representatives from local media also present in the interactive programme.
Mr. D. Mazzao welcomed the guests and participants for the programme and thanked both the ICAR Institutes for their initiatives on Cage culture in the reservoir for the benefit of the local community led by an all women group. Dr. S. K. Das explained the purpose of the day-long programme. He informed the participants that cage culture in Umiam reservoir of Meghalaya was initiated for the first time during 2019 by ICAR-CIFRI Regional Centre, Guwahati in collaboration with the ICAR RC for NEHR, Umiam and Ri-Bhoi Farmers’ Union. He stated that it was possible because of the guidance of Dr. J. K. Jena, DDG (Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi and initiative of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore. Dr. S. Hazarika, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer, TSP, ICAR RC for NEHR, Umiam outlined major activities initiated by complex in the NEH region for livelihood improvement of tribal communities. Dr. B.K. Bhattacharjya thanked the Director, ICAR-CIFRI for sanctioning CIFRI-GI cages (6 no.) and providing CIFRI-CcageGrow feed for initiating cage culture in Umiam reservoir. He mentioned that both ICAR institutes worked together for the upliftment of tribal communities. He stated that cage culture in reservoirs is coming up in a big way in different states of India through technological back-stopping by ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore and financial assistance under PMMSY programs. He urged the local communities led by women to take utmost interest for making the collaborative cage culture a success even beyond the project period so that similar government support may be received in future. On the occasion, a leaflet on “Management of openwater fisheries in Meghalaya: ICAR-CIFRI interventions” was released for the benefits of different stakeholders. A total of 9000 nos. of fish fingerlings were released in cages installed in the reservoir and four tons CIFRI-CAGEGROW feed was provided to the beneficiaries for use in cage culture. Mr. Brightstar proposed a formal vote of thanks. He thanked both the ICAR Institutes for implementing cage culture in Umiam reservoir for third consecutive year and urged group members to work sincerely as per under the technical guidance of researchers for its success.
During the technical session, Dr. Pronob Das gave a brief presentation on cage culture technology for openwaters including the findings of previous cage culture trials in Umiam reservoir. Resource persons from the two Institutes interacted with the participants on different aspects of cage culture including feed and health management and economics.




Updated on 22/12/2021
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2017 Last updated on 22/12/2021