‘World Wetlands Day’celebrated by ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre, Guwahati at Garjan-Bullutjan beel, Kamrup, Assam

ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Regional Centre, Guwahaticelebrated World Wetlands Day at Garjan-Bullutjan beel, Kamrup district, Assam on 2nd February 2022 in collaboration with the Assam Fisheries Development Corporation (AFDC) Ltd., Guwahati, Assam.The programme started with a welcome address by Dr. S. Yengkokpam, Sr. Scientist. Dr. B.K. Bhattacharjya, Head, ICAR-CIFRI Regional Centre, Guwahati discussedthe importance of wetlands, their valuation, management, restoration and need for caring these precious water resources. The theme of World Wetlands Day this year was ‘Wetlands action for People and Nature’. Mr. Himanshu Bora, Manager, AFDC Ltd. briefed about fisheries and ecology of Garjan-Bullutjan beel. In the interactive session, a total of 20 fishers and officials took active part. A formal vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. S. C. S. Das, Scientist, ICAR-CIFRI Regional Centre, Guwahatiat the end of the programme.


Updated on 04/02/2022
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2017 Last updated on 04/02/2022