The first lecture was delivered by Dr. Krishna R. Salin, Chair, Aquaculture and aquatic resources management program (AARM), School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Klong Luang, Pathumthani, Thailand on “Aquaculture system diversification: Successful examples from Asia”. The second lecture was on “Towards Industrial Microalgae production for food and feed application” by Prof. (Dr.) Rene H. Wijffels,Professor, Department of Agrotechnology and food Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands and the third deliberation was by Dr. Jorge Dias, Co-founder &CEO and Production Manager, Sparos LDA, Portugal on “Umlocking the potential of Microalgae in aquafeeds”.
Under the leadership of Dr. B.K Das, Director, CIFRI 38 scientists; five technical officers and 11 reseach scholars of the CIFRI, HQ attended the webinar from the CIFRI, Meeting room. Whereas, 13 scientists from HQ joined the webinar online. 12 staffs from RRC Guwahati, 6 staffs from RRC, Bangalore centre, 7 staffs from RRC Prayagraj; three from RRC Vadodara, two from Kolkata and three from Kochi centre attended the webinar. Director, CMFRI thanked Dr. B.K Das, Director, CIFRI for his support to conduct the webinar successfully.