River ranching at Farraka Barrage for Restoration of Fisheries
27th May, 2022
As part of the National Ranching Programme, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata ranched 2 Lakhs of Wild Indian Carp Fish Germplasm (Labeo rohita, Labeo catla and Cirrhinus mrigala) in river Ganga at Farakka, West Bengal. In the program Mr. Amalendu Barman, ADF highlighted the significance of riverine resources and fish diversity of river Ganga, Mr. Junaid Ahmad, BDO and Mr. Naresh Talwar, Dy.SP made the fishers aware about the use of non conventional fishing methods such as poisoning and zero mesh size net. In the program Dr. B. K Das, Director CIFRI and PI NMCG project told that under the National Ranching Program -2022, CIFRI had ranched more than 6 lakhs of IMC in the Ganga river system in the year 2022, which will help the Ganga fishers to regain their livelihood status. The fishers of river Ganga were sensitized and apprised about the importance of the river.

The program was witnessed by large no. of local audience, more than 100 fishers and officials of Farraka Barrage, media personnel, were present in the program.

Visitor number: Statcountersince OCT 2020

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2017 Last updated on 27/05/2022