The first awareness programme was conducted in association with Nandigram Aquafarm Welfare Society at Gangrachar, Nandigram-1 (East Medinapore) in the presence of Mr. Anirban Koley, Additional District Magistrate (ADM), Mrs. Sunita Sengupta, BDO, Nandigram, and Mr. Suman Kumar Sahu, Fishery Extension Officer, State Fisheries Department, West Bengal. Dr. B.K.Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI welcomed the delegates and highlighted the use of chemicals against infectious and emerging shrimp pathogens and spread of AMR due to misuse of these chemicals in shrimp farming. Mr. Koley, ADM also underlined the importance of AMR for the public health and animals under the One Health concept. More than 250 farmers were participated the programme. Along with the celebration of World Fisheries Day by ICAR-CIFRI, WAAW was celebrated amongst farmers, students and Subject matter specialist from different KVKs around the West Bengal on 21st Nov. 2022. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Swami Shivapurnananda, Asstt. Administrative Head, IRDM F/C and Vice Chairman SSKVK, and Chairman RKMVERI (Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute) as the Chief Guest, Prof. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Burdwan as the Guest of Honour and Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI respectively..
A pledge on AMR for general public and for animal health professionals was read by Dr. B.K.Das and by all the participants representing students, farmers, ICAR-CIFRI staff members and invitees from different institutes. Dr. A. K Sahoo deliberated a lecture to sensitize the participants on Importance of AMR and One Health approach. On 24th Nov. 2022, a class on AMR and its management was delivered to the students of Chandannagar Govt. College, West Bengal. All these activities were coordinated by Dr. A. K. Sahoo (PI), Dr. A. K. Bera (Co-PI) and team members of AMR project. More than 500 peoples representing farmers, students and general public were participated. The entire programme was conducted under the guidance of Dr. B.K.Das.