Dr. B.P. Mohanty, Former ADG (Inland fisheries), New Delhi, and Dr. B.K. Das, Director of ICAR-CIFRI inaugurated the program and emphasized the need for fish Proteomics technologies and its prospects to address key areas in aquaculture. Dr. B.P. Mohanty highlighted the importance of proteomics tools in the food industry, disease diagnosis, clinical studies, biomarker discovery, and drug discovery. Later, Dr. B.K. Das emphasized the role of proteomics technology in the study of interactions, function, composition, and structures of proteins and their cellular activities in fish, bacteria, fungi, or any organism or cell type The workshop curriculum was designed to cover various proteomics techniques along with available bioinformatics resources for their applications in different areas of fisheries related to safety, quality, and health.
The participants were also given hands-on training on Protein isolation and estimation, 1D gel electrophoresis, 2D gel electrophoresis, Protein modeling (2D and 3D), and Fish mucus zymography. The workshop was attended by UG and PG students, researchers, and faculties from the ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kanchrapara College, West Bengal University for Animal and Fisheries Sciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, College of Fisheries (OUAT), and Bharathidasan University. Dr. B.K. Das, Mr. P. Maurya, Dr. V. Kumar, Dr. S. Roy, Dr. H. J. Chakraborty, and Dr. S. Ganguly coordinated the workshop.