ICAR - CIFRI imbibes youngsters of Barrackpore Girls' High School
A one-day exposure visit to ICAR-CIFRI by students of Barrackpore Girls' High School was
made on 16Feb, 2019 to make the young minds aware of their future career as well as their
surroundings. A total of 120 students participated in this educational exposure. Addressing
the young minds, Dr. B. K. Das, Director, CIFRI urges the students to utilize their time
fruitfully and as much they can gather knowledge about their surroundings, learning lessons
from such visit which enables them to design their future course of action and shaping a
modest career. The students were exposed to the legacy of the Institute being an
heptagenerian one, including development of number of epoch making technologies by the
Institute. The students were made visited to ornamental fish breeding unit besides visit to
aquarium and feed production unit. The Headmistress and other teachers also enjoyed the
visit and expresses their satisfaction the way the whole program was conducted by the
Extension & Training Cell of the Institute, and wishes to send more students for such
educational visit in near future.