Capacity building on e-Matsya to Odisha Fisheries officials during COVID-19 lockdown.

ICAR-CIFRI trained State fisheries officials of Govt. of Odisha and WorldFish-Odisha project staff on e-Matsya, a fish catch recording android software through online on 17th June 2020 under the guidance of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI. This institute is a technical partner to Odisha-WorldFish Project to provide technical support to the project staff and also to the state fisheries department. E-Matysa is an internet based fish catch recording mobile app, by which a recognized person form the inland waterbody can record the fish catch on daily basis and can record the data in the software. The mobile number of the authorized person has to be registered, after which he/she will be able to record the fish catch data in the e-Matsya app. The data recorded will automatically save in the central processing system, and the central processing system is an online system and authorized person can access the recorded data from the website. The recorded data can be downloaded in excel format from the website for further analysis. Dr. Das emphasized the importance of the mobile app in inland fisheries sector. Mr. M. Kartikayen, Sr. scientist of ICAR-CIFRI trained the participant on e-Matsya and given them hands on demo for familiarizing on the software. Zoom platform was used for this online training. Dr. Arun Padiyar, State manager, Odisha-Worldfish Project arranged the trainees in Odisha on behalf of Odisha-Worldfish project. A total of 26 officials (22 male and 4 female) participated in this training from Odisha. The training programme was coordinated by Dr. B. K. Behera, Principal scientist and Dr. P. K. Parida, Scientist of ICAR-CIFRI.


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This website belongs to ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Copyright @ 2010 ICAR, This website is developed & maintained by Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit.
2016 Last updated on 23/08/2017