ICAR-CIFRI in active collaborations with all the ICAR-Institutes/Centres at Kolkata has
conducted a one-day interface meeting on “Developing multi-disciplinary approach in project
formulations and innovations in Agriculture and allied sectors” on 17th February 2018 at ICAR-
CIFRI, Barrackpore. Dr. A.E Eknath, Former DG, NACA graced the occation as the Chief
Guest. Dr. B.K Das, Director, CIFRI in his welcome address said that the major aim of this
workshop or interface meeting is to make a platform for joining hands with all ICAR institutions
for the betterment of the farmers. He also hoped that the workshop will be helpful for
cohesiveness of the ICAR-Institutes to deliver to the farmers; multidiciplinary approch and
sharing capacity and facility of the ICAR Institutes present in Kolkata region. Dr. A.K Das,
Principal Scientist while briefing the agenda of workshop remarked that such workshop could be
an academic as well as a platform for social and inter personal relations. Dr. A.E Eknath,
congratulated all the participats and specially Dr. B.K Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI for his novel
initiative for the cause of betterment of farmers. He told that, it is an excellent opportunity for the
researchers as experts from almost all subjects are present in the meeting. Further he also opined
that the meeting may sensitize the youngstars for collaboration. Dr. Jibon Mitra, Director
(Act.),ICAR-CRIJAF expressed his sincere thanks to Director, CIFRI for taking such innitiative
for conducting such type of collaborative workshop where crop-based, livestock-based, fish-
based intitutes and extension mechinary, KVKs participated. He stressed that for doubling
farmers’ income integrating different faming systems is essential and for that multidiciplinary
approch is needed. Dr. B. Saha, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NIRJAFT in his remaks told that
holistic approch is needed to achieve the target of doubling farmers’ income by 2022 and he also
added that such type of workshops will help to build compatibility among the different ICAR
institutes for sucessful collaboration in research and extension activities. An Open House
Discussion was held to deliberate on various issues related to networking in disadvantageous
areas through Tribal SubPlan (TSP) ; smart village concept; convergence in Mera Gaon Mera
Gaurav (MGMG) programme; sharing lab facilities, sharing knowledge etc. Discussion on need-
based support, periodic video conferrencing for better linkages, extending support KVKs for
imparting technologies were also held. Dr. S. K. Samanta, Principal Scientist proposed the vote
of thanks. All together nine ICAR-Institutes viz. ICAR-CRIJAF,Nilganj Barrackpore, ICAR-
NIRJAFT, Kolkata, ICAR-IVRI ERS Kolkata, NDRI ERS Kalyani, ICAR-CIFE Kolkata Centre,
ICAR-CSSRI Canning, ICAR-CIFA Kalyani Centre, ICAR-CIBA, Kakadwip Research Centre,
ICAR- NBSS & LUP , Regioal Centre, Kolkata and five KVKs viz. KVK,Burdwan,
KVK,Ashoknagar, KVK, Nilganj, KVK,Hooghly, KVK,Sasyashamala, participated in the
interface meeting.