Two training programmes were inaugurated at CIFRI , Barrackpore on 6th March, 2018 by the honorable RAC Chairman Prof. (Dr.) B. Madhusoodana Kurup , Former Vice Chancellor of Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) . The training programmes have been organized for 30 fishers/ fish farmers from Lakhisarai District, Bihar and 27 tribal fishers from Marurbhanj District,Odisha. Need assessment of the farmers were done in participatory mode and based on that the training schedule have been developed for the fishers and fish farmers. For the trainees from Bihar, more focus has been given to ‘Inland Fisheries Management’ and for the tribal fishers from Odisha the training module has been developed on Culture Based Fisheries in small reservoirs. Dr. S. Raizada, ADG (I. fy.),ICAR addressed the farmers and also told the farmers regarding the importance of capacity building of the fishers and fishmers for livelihood improvement. Dr. B.K Das, Director ,CIFRI in his remarks about importance of training and farmer to farmer extension process for inland fisheries development. The training programmes are coordinated by Extension and Training Cell and TSP Team CIFRI.




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This website belongs to ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Copyright @ 2010 ICAR, This website is developed & maintained by Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit.
2016 Last updated on 23/08/2017