Seven days training programme was inaugaurated at institute Head Quarter,Barrackpore for 27
farmers from Shekhpura District, Bihar, on 11 th May, 2018 on ‘Inland Fisheries Management’. A
need assessment session was organized at the beginning of the training to identify the needs of
the farmers. Based on that a structured schedule for training was developed. In the inaugaural
session Dr. B.K Das, Director, CIFRI interacted with the trainess and also discussed on various
aspects of inland fisheries with special reference to livelihood improvement. DR. V.R Suresh,
HOD, REF Division and Dr. U.K Sarkar, HOD, RWF Division interacted with the fishers and
fish farmers and informed them about the need of conservation and fisheries management in the
inland open waters. Dr. A.K Das, I/C Extension and Training Cell talked about the importance
of Field Visits in the skill development programme.The fishers/fish farmers will be trained on
various aspects of inland fisheries management including feeding, disease management, wetland
fisheries etc. Three field exposure visits will also be arranged to wetlands, farmers field and fish
market to make the trainees aware about inland fisheries management and the marketing
systems. The training programme is being coordinated by the scientists Dr. Aparna Roy and Mr.
Tasso Tyung.