Dr. T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR, released “CIFRI- TiLV one step PCR Kit” to detect Tilapia Lake Virus in Tilapia developed by ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore on 22nd June,2018 during 24th Regional Committee Meeting held at Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology,Bhubaneswar. Mr. C. Roul, Special Secretary, DARE and Secretary, ICAR; Mr. B. Pradhan, Additional Secretary, DARE and FA,ICAR; Dr. J. K. Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries Science), ICAR and Dr. B.K.Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore,Kolkata were also graced the occasion.
Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) is an emerging disease in Tilapia caused by an orthomyxo-like virus and causes 80-90% of mortality in the farmed Tilapia. Tilapia Lake Virus have been reported in wild Tilapia,Saretherodongalilaeus, farmed tilapia,Oreochromisniloticus and commercial hybrid tilapia (O. niloticus X O. aureus). The clinical signs of the affected fish include haemorrhagic patches in the body, detached scales, skin and fin discolouration. The disease outbreak mainly recorded in the summer months and stages like fry, fingerling and adult tilapia fishes are susceptible to Tilapia Lake Virus infection. The lack of screening of imported stocks of fry and fingerlings resulted in transboundary movement of Tilapia Lake Virus to India. The spread of Tilapia Lake Virus is a serious concern and need to be addressed timely to prevent the geographic movement of this emerging pathogen. This could be implemented by the development of fast and sensitive diagnostic methods for the detection of Tilapia Lake Virus.
ICAR-CIFRI developed “CIFRI- TiLV one step PCR Kit”, for the diagnosis of Tilapia Lake Virus in Tilapia. The kit offers a rapid, specific and sensitive detection system from RNA of the infected tissue in three hours.